Use Cases
Locality Services
The Community Information Exchange holds many well-known geospatial boundaries within Australia. Services exist allowing you to determine which boundaries overlap a point or another boundary. You may also determine the centroid location of both formal and common location names and postcodes.
Discovering Services, Facilities and Events
Given information such as your location, type of event or service, tags, keywords, organisation type, ABN, etc discover services, facilities and events accessible within a proximity radius ranked by best match. This includes access to normalised open data published by Federal, State and Local governments for facilities such as Toilets, Skate Parks, Schools, Halls and Boat Ramps.
Community Promotion
Register your services and events with the Community Information Exchange allowing them to be promoted in multiple websites, apps and printed directories. Reduce the duplication of entry by encouraging your partners to use the Community Information Exchange to access information about the community.
Federated Login and Identity
Leverage the identity services of the Community Information Exchange to provide single sign-on and sign-off of all your products. The identity server is an implementation of Open ID Connect allowing you to use standard frameworks and libraries within your solution. Users of the Community Information Exchange may use a number of integrated authorisation platforms including Google, Facebook, LinkedIn and Microsoft avoiding the need to maintain yet another passport.
During registration of users within your solution, using the Community Information Exchange identity services allows you to access their personal information plus their associated community organisation details if they agree to share it with you.
GIS Services
The Community Information Exchange publishes web services suitable for consumption by the major GIS solutions. This allows for community and health service information and associated usage data to be overlaid with your private spatial datasets.
- Determining which geographical boundaries (e.g. Electorate, Council, Suburb) overlap a point or boundary
- Finding services and events close to you
- Promoting your services and events
- Providing single sign-on and sign-off (federated login) using a Community Information Exchange passport
- Authorising access to your product based on a user being a recognised employee or volunteer of a recognised Not For Profit organisation
- Overlay usage statistics of the Community Information Exchange into your GIS system
Locality Services
The Community Information Exchange holds many well-known geospatial boundaries within Australia. Services exist allowing you to determine which boundaries overlap a point or another boundary. You may also determine the centroid location of both formal and common location names and postcodes.
Discovering Services, Facilities and Events
Given information such as your location, type of event or service, tags, keywords, organisation type, ABN, etc discover services, facilities and events accessible within a proximity radius ranked by best match. This includes access to normalised open data published by Federal, State and Local governments for facilities such as Toilets, Skate Parks, Schools, Halls and Boat Ramps.
Community Promotion
Register your services and events with the Community Information Exchange allowing them to be promoted in multiple websites, apps and printed directories. Reduce the duplication of entry by encouraging your partners to use the Community Information Exchange to access information about the community.
Federated Login and Identity
Leverage the identity services of the Community Information Exchange to provide single sign-on and sign-off of all your products. The identity server is an implementation of Open ID Connect allowing you to use standard frameworks and libraries within your solution. Users of the Community Information Exchange may use a number of integrated authorisation platforms including Google, Facebook, LinkedIn and Microsoft avoiding the need to maintain yet another passport.
During registration of users within your solution, using the Community Information Exchange identity services allows you to access their personal information plus their associated community organisation details if they agree to share it with you.
GIS Services
The Community Information Exchange publishes web services suitable for consumption by the major GIS solutions. This allows for community and health service information and associated usage data to be overlaid with your private spatial datasets.